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First of all: My new book (in German) just appeared: Klima-Wende-Zeit. |
We are individually the primary cause for our decisions and thus individually responsible for our actions. This can be shown based on a rationally founded but holistic world view, which includes emotions and all other un-rational aspects that determine our personality and thus our preferences in our free choices.
To limit climate change to the agreed levels, instantaneous intensification of implementing sustainable energy technologies by a factor of 3 to 6 on global scale is required, depending on climate goal to be reached. The climate goals can be reached by systematic implementation of existing technologies.
To eliminate hunger in the world, we must however change our behaviour. Technological advances alone will not allow us to cope with this challenge. A limitation of the number of children per couple to sustainable two and a preferentially plant-based nutrition are prerequisites to eradicate world hunger. These two factors are the main drivers, which can not be compensated by any other possibly technological developments. If we want to effectively fight world hunger, we have to foster sustainable behaviour transition.
Such a change in behaviour also determines how easily the sustainable energy transition will be achieved. The energy transition will not be as easy as it is presented in many published studies, because the global population growth was systematically too optimistically assumed in these studies. Therefore, bio-energy and a bio-economy, which are relatively easy to realize technologically, are only ethically justifiable if we limit population growth and release fertile land through purely plant-based nutrition. Without the corresponding individual behavioural changes, bio-energy and bio-economy are unethical as long as people on this planet go hungry - thus even today.
Since we are individually responsibility, we are also individually obliged to adjust our personal preferences in such a way that the sustainability of the entire system can be achieved. This includes in particular the limitation of the number of planned children to sustainable two and a plant-based diet, because only then the number of undernourished people can be reduced without other detrimental effect.
If this sustainability ethics shall be effectively realized, we have to individually grasp this systems view. This requires that not only political claims be voiced, but that the appropriate education of all groups of the population be promoted. We are an integral part of the overall system. We depend on this system and it depends on each and every one of us. We must understand our world as a lonely planet earth flying through the universe and trying to live as happy a life as possible. From such a perspective from a distance and with an awareness of the challenges humanity is facing right now - people are starving today - it is obvious that conflicts over regional or ideological dominance simply distract our time, energy and money from the real challenges. Instead, we should work together globally to solve the problems we face, including a reasonable challenge to our traditions.
The system will also have a tipping point with respect to positive development. If we do not succeed to effectively support the less developed countries in catching up in development, the population in these regions will continue to grow strongly, increasing hunger and misery there. This situation can lead to significant migration. Since the world's resources are limited, a situation may arise in which the rest of the world community no longer has sufficient means to effectively fight even the worst humanitarian disasters.
Implications for citizens and politicians are manifold, especially because politicians in a democratic environment can only realize what is accepted by the citizens. Otherwise they would simply not be re-elected. This in turn means that we have to re-invent societal discourse to a certain degree to be able to develop a sustainability ethics and then carry it into the political arena.
To guide individual behavior, we have to change our perspective as well. Only insisting on one's rights will not lead to sustainability. In a limited world obligations directly result. The question to be answered is, how we can contribute with our behavior to enhance the sustainability of the system as a whole. This requires a mindfulness with respect to our fellow humans, to fellow living beings and to the ecosphere.
Direct consequences for every human being are thus, listed in decreasing importance:
Develop Individual insight into the interrelationships, such as those compiled on this website. It will become clear that we have no right to merely claim rights. The limitedness of earthly resources inevitably leads to individual obligations.
Switch to a purely plant-based diet, which, contrary to many prejudices, is not more expensive or less tasty than today's conventional diet. Only in the first months of the transition some additional effort is necessary to identify vegan products e.g. in supermarkets.
Limiting the number of planned children to two per couple. Of course, every child must be equally loved. But because contraception can fail and because a second planned child can turn out to be a twin, even with the best of intentions, it is impossible to completely avoid a couple having more than two children. However, more than two children may no longer be parental purposes of life.
Reducing energy consumption, for example by reducing flights, taking greater account of fuel consumption when buying a car and better insulating houses.
Only then, i.e. with lower priority, are all the small savings in material and energy consumption important, because they all help to ease a successful transition to a sustainable life.
All in all, it must be clear that it is not politics alone that needs to change. On the contrary, sustainability must originate from the citizens, since only they have the freedom of individual decision, since they elect the politicians and since they decide which goods they use and buy for their lives.
The consequences for politicians are as follows
to accompany the relevant developments and, for example, to promote the transformation of energy systems through appropriate conditions of legislation.
to organise the social discourse that must accompany the mastering of the upcoming challenges. An overall concept for the sustainable energy transition must be developed, which also means that industry of different sectors, accompanying political measures, and demands on every citizen must be balanced and reliably planned. Only reliable planning is a prerequisite for industry to be able to plan and implement its own restructuring on a foresighted basis.
In this context, it is important for all political actors that they do not communicate the interrelations too simplistically. In particular, citizens should not be given the impression that politics alone can solve the challenges ahead with a few actions. A simplistic presentation challenges correspondingly simplistic counterarguments, which ultimately only strengthens populism. Therefore, on the contrary, the involvement of citizens and truthful communication should be the goal.
To support less developed regions in their development on an equal footing, for example by realising that expenditure on development aid is necessary at least at the same level as defence expenditure, in order, for example, to limit migration, which in extreme cases can pose major challenges for us.
There are also consequences for climate activists:
Climate activists also have to have a quantitative understanding of the interrelationships, because this is the only way they can inform citizens about these interrelationships properly and convincingly. Then it is possible to discuss the content instead of merely presenting the conclusions of ever new studies. Only then will the resulting political demands become comprehensible for the citizens.
Also climate activists should not describe the interrelations too simplisticly. It is not just politicians who can master the challenges. On the contrary, it depends on the personal influence of each individual citizen. Politics can only create a suitable framework, while the changes themselves will have to be achieved by industry and citizens alike.
The measures envisaged must account for the fact that each Euro can only be spent once, especially as the forthcoming restructuring of large economic sectors already represents a major economic challenge. Ultimately, however, it is a successful economy that provides us with the economic means to implement sustainability.
Climate activists must not only call for political action, but must also honestly and clearly communicate the consequences for each individual. Accordingly, the appropriate education of the citizens must be a major concern for them. Demands must not be lost in the small details, but clear priorities must be communicated. This is the only way to ensure that citizens do not lose themselves in secondary arenas without implementing the essential steps.