Our Successful Future on YouTube
How will we as humanity survive the next hundred years? What do the upcoming challenges such as climate change, sustainable energy transition and world hunger mean for us individually? In order to develop a positive perspective for our future, we must first understand our position as human beings in the world and how we are embedded in our environment. In order to show the essential interrelations, evaluations of publicly accessible data are presented and discussed. In this way, the essential dependencies are presented in a clear and comprehensible way. The overall picture developed in this way finally points out a clear direction for our actions, so that a sustainable and happy life on our small planet Earth will be possible also in the future.
Videos, in which the topics are presented in more detail than on this website, are available on YouTube (directly to the entire YouTube playlist):
00 Very Short Summary
01 Introduction, Summary
02 World Population
03 Sustainable Energy Transition
04 Food vs. Bio-Energy & Bio-Materials
05 A Word on IPCC Scenarios
06 A Short Word on EU Sustainable Energy Strategy
07 Exergy to Quantify Energy
08 Bio- or CO2-Economy
09 Individual and Political Consequences
Philosophical Aspects:
10 The Physical Basis
11 Causality
12 Consciousness
13 Free Will and Responsibility
The slides as PDF (English):
Our Successful Future.pdf (25 MB)
The slides of the summary (9MB)
Selected slides in German:
So gelingt unsere Zukunft.pdf (9 MB)
Slides of the German summary (8.1 MB)
Summarizing videos are also available in German (directly to the German playlist):
00 kurze Zusammenfassung (ohne Erläuterung zu Zusammenhängen)
01 Zusammenfassung & Konsequenzen
Those who want to read more about the philosophical aspects will find more details here in a book (German).